Wow, I mean Mathias that was well, one, thank you for the update and two that was the greatest intro of all time – I got to start bringing you around to parties. Great to be here everybody, I hope you guys are doing all right. I will just off the bat, uh, will not warn you the opposite of warn you, I will let you know that today’s talk is actually going to be short, very deep, and just sort of focused on almost vernacular as opposed to sort of like code-based demos and things like that. So, the goal here is actually to sort of accumulate a collection of different talks and things that I’ve done in the last six or so months around generative economics to various different groups, and sort of just touch on all of the, you know, just sort of the main takeaway of what actually happens.
So, it’s only a few slides but I’m going to sort of try to build a context here which describes what actually comes out of a generative economic model and what does that mean for everyday users in the crypto space. So, I’m just going to do a quick little screen share. The goal here is actually to try and have some good conversations, so you know just get creative with what comes to mind. What this evokes I guess you could say. So yeah, so the goal here is really to talk about cross chain liquidity and in that aspect of generative economics what does that mean for us as users, because that’s pretty much going to be the main use case that I think differentiates us from a lot of other projects out there, um, and this is sort of the lens from which I think everybody’s going to first get their grasp on, you know, this economic model.
So, just to once again set the context here, what is a currency? This is a transaction or some type of an exchange that basically glues together what we call an economy, but in actuality this is like a community or some type of a society. This is a way in which we are able to share value in a way that’s meaningful, and to develop trust and relationships in ways that are meaningful for us. So, just keep that in mind after for when we get to the last slide.
So, I wanted to first off talk about what actually differentiates us from the competition. So, fundamentally what differentiates us and this sort of approach, are a collection of data structures that promote different use cases, that currently aren’t available inside the crypto space. So, what we currently are is a collection of everything that is, but also everything that potentially can be. So, I guess the first thing to talk about is this main unit of a currency or like a transaction. Obviously, this is stock in in pretty much every protocol and so that is the core thing that I think we are familiar with, even from before the crypto space, with us just trying to interact in our day-to-day life.
So, one thing that generative economics introduces which allows for mechanics that will be described further, is sort of the inverse equivalent of a transaction, you can think about this almost as like one over a transaction for whatever that might mean unit wise, um, and what this has been at least dubbed in terms of vernacular is an emission. There’s a story behind that but think about it almost as the inverse of a transaction, and so what this does is it actually creates a connection between liquidity pools, sort of wrapping different L1 protocols.
So, let me just sort of de-jargon that for a second. So, an emission is essentially a way in which we can create the intention to transact value between different ledgers. So, it’s almost like a two-sided transaction, think of it like a yen versus a yang, where both sides converge globally, or sorry both emissions have to be accepted in the global convergence for the full sort of link to occur, and what this does is sort of brings together the correct units and also the correct sort of epoch of time within the L0 kind of global – I guess you could say inner ledger of the L0 protocol.
So, this new concept it’s interesting. I could ramble on about it in terms of creating like inverses for understanding and sort of doing dimensionality reduction, but what was really interesting about it is that it allows us to create some type of a sort of a warping in a way that doesn’t destroy information between certain dimensions or units that each ledger may have. So, it’s rather elegant, but the reason why it’s just great to even talk about is that from the perspective of everybody who’s on this call, as we launch this there’s going to be a new type of data structure that we can send and receive called an emission, and what this does is it basically rebalances your personal accounts different token allocations.
Okay, so think about this for a second. When we own Dag, what’s going to occur in the future is that by owning Dag you’ll be able to seamlessly transact this, sort of like metamask back and forth between any token, not just eth or other eth tokens, anyone that integrates the L0 or creates an L0 liquidity pool layer, and thus connects to the wider ecosystem.
So, this emission is actually going to be your gateway to rebalance your portfolio, and so what this does is that, as we want to analyse what we’ve been invested in, what we’ve participated in on a community basis, what we may be mining for – all of these different ways we can be involved, um, emissions are your sort of portal, your way of managing your account and sort of like a portfolio that that count represents, almost like an index that you’re constantly choosing. And so, this is really kind of cool because what it does is it allows for individuals to in real time either prop up with their support, or sort of say “Hey, I think that maybe another project might be better” and move value in real time without the need for some kind of a middleman exchange. It’s, it’s really important for the final titbit as to like what this really does, but I think that this is something we’ll all become very familiar with in the future, and so I’d love to answer some questions anybody has on what emissions will look like in the future.
Hypergraph Hour 23 5m52s-12m41s