When @Conste11ation $DAG goes parabolic, I get to say I told you so!! ▶️ Zero Gas Fees! #LayerZero #HGTP #HyperGraph $LTX $ADS $CBD 💯 You all should watch out for it! Because it has so much more utility than any of these: $BTC $ETH $BNB $DOGE $XRP https://t.co/MSAmXxhqOw
Tag: #HGTP
Constellation Network - $DAG
Constellation Network - $DAG
$DAG is the financial state channel of the Constellation Network. It allows for seamless exchange and interaction between the various state channels and nodes that make up the Network. $DAG binds the network components together so that they relate to one another. @Conste11ation #HyperGraph #HyperCube hgtp://
Lattice Exchange - $LTX
Lattice Exchange is a decentralized finance (DeFi) platform that connects all blockchain main-chains and allows users to transfer cryptocurrency between multiple ecosystems. Powered by the Constellation Network #HyperGraph with Layer 0 Foundation #HGTP technology! $DAG $LTX